Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stressful PTA Meetings and what to do about it...

Stress is a serious matter. Not only can stress take a toll on us both mentally and physically but it can make things that we enjoy, a burden.

Don't let your PTA meetings become stressful.

As a volunteer, your giving time and energy for a few reasons. First off, you very likely have a youngster to help through your service. Secondly, you will likely get a great reward from the nature of working as part of a team - part of a cohesive group that accomplishes great things.

Stress only functions to get in the way when it comes to matters of the PTA and will rob you of enjoyment as the level of stress makes being a cohesive group more and more challenging.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to managing stressful PTA meetings:

• Keep a positive attitude.
• Stay focused on only the items you can control.
• Pay your attention to the items that really matter.
• Avoid behaving aggressively or defensively - keep an even disposition.
• Take a step back and relax if things get a bit heated.

In an effort to simplify things, your meetings should stick to a schedule and have an outline. Anytime a new meeting is started, a brief overview of what is about to take place is very helpful in allowing everyone to know what to expect from the meeting and how it will likely take shape.

There are a lot of resources on the web. Many articles can be found on topics such as holding meetings, time management, how to deal with various personality types and how to handle and avoid stress. Take a look and you will find helpful information is readily available.

Remember to keep things simple, stay on time, stay on task and behave in an even tone. These things will contribute to a sense of teamwork and reduce stress.


Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising. Please leave comments or suggestions for me if you like the things I have to offer here. I can be found at twitter as well - twitter.com/BelieveKids


hrgottlieb said...
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Unknown said...

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