Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Friday, March 19, 2010

SWSX - I wanted to go but fundraising and education is not presently cool enough.

Why can't school fundraising be cool?

I'm wondering if we make it a bit cooler, then we can go to south by southwest and mingle. In all actuality, I do feel like I belong there creating connections and brainstorming future projects with the in crowd. I think everyone in education would benefit from such a conference.

The thing is, the fundraising world is just not cool enough.

We'll all have to make a pact. We need to make PTA and PTO groups, moms and the fundraising companies that support schools and students cool. We have to make teachers and principals and education and kindergarten cool. It's a tall order but may this post be the catalyst to coolness we need right now :)

Today, let's pimp out our tricycles while we gain some momentum in the direction of adding 'cool' to school! SXSW, we'll see you one day!

If you have no idea what South by Southwest is, you have more catching up to do. Here is the official link - http://sxsw.com/


Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising and is not usually this much of a dork. If you enjoy this or any of my posts, please leave comments, suggestions and feedback here on the blog. I can also be reached on twitter - c Thanks for looking!

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