Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Low-Profit PTA PTO Elementary School Fundraisers

Wow, Low Profits!
Yes, it's got a nice ring to it :) 

The thing is, there are quite a few low-profit fundraisers out there. 

The reality is, this post is not a criticism of any low-profit fundraiser you, your group, your PTA or PTO or your entire school take part in.  There are different strokes for different folks and that is completely recognized.  It's all about expectation.  But there's more to it...

Here's the raw deal...

If a fundraiser is not going to produce success for your group, look elsewhere for a different fundraiser.  It's ending on a positive note that should be the most important aspect to your fundraiser.  If you look good and are happy with the results, that's success!  If you make the money you expect and deserve, that's also success!  If low-profits are not part of the equation, read on...

So, in your research, you will find high-profit fundraisers and you will find low-profit fundraisers.  I obviously suggest hosting a high-profit fundraiser so you and your school will not have to fundraise as often.  But, in the end, your school fundraiser is yours regardless of your profits - if you are happy with the profits and the way you look, then carry on happily.

If not, I want you to know that it's easy to spot a low-profit fundraiser.  

Ask for average sales per participant then compare this to answers from competitors.  A low-profit fundraiser could be a result of product, price or genre.  Asking companies for sales figures should separate out the productive from non-productive school fundraisers.

The hope in writing this today is that one person reading this will protect themselves from coming in short of their goal just because of picking a fundraiser that does not produce the same fundraising profit as a high-profit fundraiser.

After all, you deserve an easy fundraiser that encourages participation and allows your school to reach goals while the school and PTA / PTO looks good.  These fundraisers are out there but you may have to ask for sales numbers and referrals before deciding. 

Just make one promise...

Promise that you will project the outcome of each and every fundraiser you look at based on numbers provided by the fundraising company courting you.  If they don't have a history for you, look elsewhere.

As long as you bring something of value to the community and hit your goals without overdoing it, your fundraisers will succeed!  Just don't let yourself fall short on your goal just because you thought a fundraiser would work.


I wrote this rather quickly, but I hope it helps!  Thanks!

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