Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Friday, August 20, 2010

How Cupertino Schools Changed The Game

Cupertino Schools - Successful School Fundraising
If you're not hip to what Cupertino schools did this past year to save themselves from laying off hundreds of teachers, have a look.  It's interesting how innovations are sometimes already in existence and things just need to be pulled together to succeed.

In the case of Cupertino, California schools, the fundraising campaign seems to have worked because of a groundswell of activity.  A grassroots effort that became important to the community.  The campaign asked for $350 from each family and because this donation amount would solve the problem, they succeeded wildly.

Their fundraising worked!

Here are a couple of resources to checkout just to familiarize yourself:


Caveat: This type of fundraiser will not work for every school.  There is something in the need and presentation that creates action.

What I take away from this:
Where there is an opportunity to solve a problem, communities will rally.

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