Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What's the deal with Fall Gift & Wrap Fundraisers...

Gift and wrap brochure or catalog fundraisers have been around for quite a while.  The fundraisers are widely regarded as the most successful fundraisers in existence and are known for the highest retail sales and highest actual profits to schools.

In recent history, some of the companies that made gift wrap fundraising what it was, changed to more passive fundraising, getting out of the catalog side or fell off in terms of quality, fulfillment or offerings.  For example, Sally Foster, the company known for quality wrap fundraisers, went to passive online fundraising in 2009 leaving some customers looking at other options.

Some companies let quality slip and prices rise.  This was a certain contributor towards some schools and groups hoping there was more out there.

Today, there are a few very good gift and wrap fundraising companies you can count on but there are some!

Many of the companies today have improved customer service and have fulfillment with very few errors. Every top brochure fundraising company follows up every sale with customer service so any lost or damaged items are attended to quickly.  I know fundraising companies often replace chocolates that were eaten on the bus :)

A school really can count on a and wrap brochure fundraising company these days to offer a number of services and benefits to ensure the fundraiser is a success.

My company info is listed below but there are other companies out there.  Regardless of if you use my company or a competitor, you'll see that gift and wrap fundraising catalogs are, if not the best, one of the very best options in fundraising today.

I'll leave you with this.  Two-week campaign, no risk because items are paid for up front, lots of variety in the catalog, higher quality items at lower prices and delivery sorted by student!  If that's not sounding good enough, remember you don't need an army of volunteers to run this one!

Ok, until next time!



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