Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Discovering More! Finding your PLN - Personal Learning Network

PLN - personal learning network

If you have a project, discussion, challenge or interest that needs to be explored, you have a way.  You can discover more!  What's more, you can learn with the tools you already use on a day to day basis!

What's the secret?

It's called a PLN and you already have one! 

A Personal Learning Network is a group of  people you use as a resource when you need them.

What's your favorite hobby? 

Now think...  Is there a magazine about that hobby that you get info from?  Is there a company at the heart of supplying the equipment needed to participate?  Is there an expert online that you respect?  Do you call friends to seek out for advice on the topic?

In essence, this is your PLN, the group of people, companies and resources that surround a certain topic.  You end up reaching out in many physical and digital ways to hear, discuss and read more.

That's it in a nutshell!  See my slideshare:

7 Easy Steps for Creating Your Own PLN

Ok, until next time!

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