Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Raise $35,000 with One Check-Writing Fundraiser Letter

There's a lot of folks who would doubt that it's possible to raise thousands with just one letter.  It can be done and it's very possible.  I even offer proof.

But before I let you in on how this is easily achieved, I'll let you know that it's not the type of fundraiser that determines the giving.  It's the need.

The thing is, school fundraisers are often sent home without telling the parents why there is a need to raise funds.  "It's just because it is our fundraiser" is the reason for fundraising.

It's actually quite rare that a school wait until they really need money, clearly state why and how much they need and let everyone know just how important it is.

If a school needs money, the parents and community will rally around them.  Even from just one fundraising donation letter.
School fundraiser nets $35,000 to save programs

The example above illustrates just how easy it is to raise significant funds quickly.  The catch is you need a very compelling reason to fundraise and you need to get the word out from the top down. 

One thing to note in this example is that the principal took an active role in presenting the fundraiser.  This support goes a long way to making the need important.  Compare this to how most fundraisers are handled and it's clear why this fundraiser works while others may receive a lack-luster response.

So, can this school repeat this fundraiser?

The answer is a resounding 'perhaps'.  With donation drives, there isn't much incentive for parents to contribute beyond the scope of the reason funds are being raised.  So, if parents are receptive to another reason funds need to be raised, then yes.

If the reason is not sufficient or the need great enough, the fundraiser will fail to get the participation expected. If you look for articles on fundraising long enough, you'll realize that parents often suggest that they 'would rather just write a check right to the school'.  I challenge that sentiment as a general premise.  I actually know that they will not write that check if the need is not compelling.

So, there you have it - proof positive that a letter from the principal and a sufficient need to raise funds will generate results and a successful fundraiser.


Thanks for looking.  I appreciate any sharing of this website.  If you take the need and support in this blog post and combine that with a quality elementary school fundraiser record dollars can be raised.  Regardless of what fundraiser you do and who you ask for help, remember that the need is paramount.  Combine this with support from faculty and fundraising success will happen.

I look forward to comments here on my blog or conversations via twitter - twitter.com/believekids


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