Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why some fundraisers aren't fundraisers...

I really liked something I ran across today. Just a one sentence comment: 'Not everything is made to be a fundraiser'. It immediately resonated with me.

As the vice president of a nationwide elementary school fundraising company, I look at a large number of fundraisers, both types and products. I have to say that although many products and services are available as fundraisers, not everything should be considered a fundraiser.

There is a way to make money at nearly anything, but not everything should be a fundraiser. In order to keep things simple for parents and the community, host fundraisers that are fundraisers and host events that are not fundraisers. You'll see what I mean in the following example:

Hosting a 'school dance fundraiser' is not a good idea but a school dance with paid parking attendants and a concession booth is a great idea!

Ticket sales, raffles, concessions, photo booths, parking, spirit wear, craft sales and potentially a bunch of other ideas all could raise money at an event. Anything that could be easily integrated as a beneficial service in support of the event would be a consideration in my book for a money making extra - not to be confused with a fundraiser.

Keep this in mind when planning your future events and fundraisers.

If you have a fundraiser, make it a big one and put your efforts behind it. Let it be known that it's a fundraiser and celebrate the need and thank the community for getting behind a cause. If, on the other hand, you are planning something that is not a fundraiser, look for money making opportunities where 'soft sales' could be used and don't call it a fundraiser. Keep it on the down-low.

Here's why.

Parents and the community want to rally around a good cause - but only periodically. They don't want to see a hand out all the time. In order to maximize profits on your main fundraisers, minimize attention to other efforts and play up the main fundraiser any chance you get!


Summary - Do not call a dance a fundraiser but feel free to offer some 'soft sales' at the event. Just don't make it too obvious. It would be best to not draw attention to the fact that any concessions or sales are a fundraiser.

When you have your main fundraiser for the year, get everyone's attention, make it a big deal and let each and every parent know that you expect participation in the fundraiser because the school needs help.

You can only do this essentially once per semester or parents will not want to get involved. Participation in school fundraisers right now is critical so do anything and everything you can to downplay small fundraisers and give it all you got when it comes to marketing your heavy-hitting fundraisers!

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