Since going on vacation over the 4Th of July, I had a chance to reflect on balance. I watched my kids running endlessly in the park and swimming for hours at a time. We felt little stress and lived in the moment, cherishing many special moments.
When I ran across this post titled 'Your Kindergartner and PE' on greatschools.org I really wanted to share it.
When I think about balance, I try to think in compartmental ways - spending time in many categories of life. Granted, I'm no expert and probably don't even do this well but for instance, we watch movies and have Pizza on Fridays. We ride bikes as a family nearly every day after work and school. We play in the sandbox and we do art generally at specific times. We grocery shop on Sundays. You certainly have your share of these as well.
My point is, as a family, we have to be conscious of switching things up, focusing on them for a time and moving on. This basic scheduling means we get to many categories including fitness.
When school is in we do the same. There is a time for school work and a time for school fundraising and a time for birthday parties and for shopping and exercise. So, when one category of our lives falls off too much we have to correct. For instance, when the kids get too tired, we watch a movie. When the day is dragging on, we get exercise outdoors.
It's all a matter of balance and I believe it will always be changing and adapting to get all the important stuff in there and even some not important stuff from time-to-time.
Thanks for looking and here's the article:
Your Kindergartner and PE
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