As a PTA mom or dad, you’ve probably experienced your fair share of ups and downs. Balancing multiple schedules, constantly running from place to place, and dealing with the stress of everyday life can all seem to be a bit much at times. When the initial excitement of your projects and goals starts to wear off, and you find yourself experiencing a lull, it may be harder to muster up the focus and determination needed to finish what you’ve started. And as you come closer to launching your major fall fundraiser, you want to be able to focus on raising the big bucks while having a great attitude. So as a PTA mom or dad, what do you do when your excitement is waning? You can start by using these 5 helpful tips to get back on track.
1. Remember Your Purpose
Why did you choose to be a PTA mom or dad in the first place? Sometimes, people can get so caught up in the daily grind, that they forget the big picture. Remind yourself why you chose to join the PTA and how ever child benefits from it. Focusing on the purpose of the PTA will help you stay motivated.
2. Review Your Expectations
Are your goals realistic? A lot of times PTA moms and dads set extremely high expectations and then expect too much of themselves. It is hard to be enthusiastic about something if you’re so overwhelmed that you barely have time to breathe. Go over your goals and make sure they are attainable, and then don’t be afraid to delegate if you feel that you have taken on too much.
3. Get Moving
Physically moving around is arguably the best way to awaken the senses and reduce stress. Go for a bike ride or a walk around a park. Get outside and clear your head and breathe in some fresh air. It will wake you up, and the more awake you are, the more you will be motivated to get moving on your fundraising goals.
4. Check In With Other PTA Moms and Dads
Talking to others who are in a similar situation as yours will show you that you are not alone. You are part of a team that is working towards a common goal. Talking to others is also a great way to spark new and interesting ideas. Processing ideas crafts thought, and that’s just what you are looking for.
5. Eliminate Negativity
Perhaps the most common cause of burnout stems from something that is causing negativity in your life. This could be anything that wastes your time, drains your energy, or creates in you a bad feeling. It ranges anywhere from habits, circumstances, things, or people. When you focus on something negative, you fail to see positive opportunities. Identify negatives in your life, and do your best to extinguish them. Then, you can respond to circumstances that are more significant.
Now that you find yourself enthusiastic again, get moving! Remember what your doing is making a difference in children’s lives. You can review these tips anytime you feel your motivation sliding.
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