Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Elementary School Fundraising - Keeping Things Simple for Schools & PTA's

Reminder to schools and parent groups to keep things simple and have a plan. Above all, ask questions!

School fundraising, while critical to schools and groups everywhere, is very often left in the hands of hard-working volunteers working for a PTA or PTO group. These volunteers come with a wide variety of backgrounds and in many cases juggle work, family life and volunteerism and are generally very busy.

It's sometimes hard to remember to that a volunteer organization will be instrumental in raising tens of thousands of dollars in just two weeks using our fall fundraiser. What's more is that parent group volunteers are not necessarily business people.

We work with so many amazing people, we could easily overlook the reality of the situation and treat everyone as-if they need to be experts in business and school fundraising. But, we don't.

Parent groups deserve the simplest, most effective fundraisers we have to offer and that's just what we deliver. This isn't as much about us as it is about understanding that delivering ease-of-use to a PTA or PTO group will have a lasting and positive effect.

Having said that, there are still a number of questions that come up no matter how simple and effective things are.


Case in point: I was reminded the other day when questions arose about if our fundraising packets should be left in teachers boxes on a Friday afternoon. When the question arose, it was very obvious we had an answer. If the packets go into a teachers box on the afternoon of the first day of the fundraiser and teachers didn't pick up their stuff by the end of the day, an entire class would miss the first weekend of the fundraiser. We simply suggested that every teacher grab their class packets on the way out of the Kick-Off assembly and everyone received a packet.

If you are one of the hard working volunteers assisting with a fundraiser, plan ahead as much as possible. Keep things simple and above all, ask for advice for items both big and small!

There's no reason in this day and age, not to reach out to an expert in a time of need. Just ask us anything you can think of - anytime!

On our end, just know that we will give you as much complimentary assistance you would ever want - even if it's just a matter of the small stuff and we'll always cover all the big stuff and we'll have great answers to any of the small stuff as well!

Here's to a successful, easy and smooth fundraiser! Thanks!!

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