Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Friday, August 31, 2012

Don't make parents your only fundraising target...

You'll hardly hear a fundraising expert say that making parents buy fundraising products is a bad idea. 

And, it's certainly not bad.  Parents should be supporting their children in any and all of their activities. Parents should be the first to buy fundraising products - but not the last. The question comes up when people just don't realize that school fundraising today extends far beyond just parents.

Today, with technology being what it is, parents can garner support from family and friends using the email services of their fundraising company.  They can also promote the fundraiser to all of their Facebook friends and Twitter followers!  My fundraising company shopping site (sorry I don't know of any others doing this offhand) has the tools right on the website to allow for the posting to social media sites.

So, please extend the sale past your parents!  Give them the opportunity to raise money through friends and co-workers, relatives and out-of-town acquaintances!

Ok, until next time!



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