Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weirded out - Elementary School Fundraising Ideas for PTA PTO and Principals

Every time I think of this time of year I get a bit weirded out.

Let me explain.

In the next two months, thousands of elementary schools set out to find the fall fundraiser of their choice.  Unfortunately, every year schools choose fundraisers that fall flat.  What's more, many will fail.

They fail in terms of low revenue, significant time demands or fall flat by making the PTA PTO or Principal look bad in one way or another.  So, why does that weird me out?

I want elementary schools to make their decisions on the following considerations:

1) Ease
2) Profit
3) Happiness

Instead, I know schools will choose fundraisers over and over again that fall short in one of these basic 3.  They may shoot for ease but spend 100's of hours preparing for their fundraiser or sell an easy program that believe will make them happy but not make any profit.

So, I'm not saying that there are endless amounts of fundraisers that achieve all of these 3 basic premises but there are enough to allow every single elementary school to have a very successful fall fundraiser - one that is easy to handle, very profitable and leaves schools, PTA's, PTO's and Principals happy and looking good!

If you are involved in your school and you're getting ready to choose a fundraiser, shoot for all three of the items above not just one or two.  You can do it!


Share your ideas below or on twitter - twitter.com/believekids

Please consider subscribing to my blog via email or rss to your google, yahoo or other homepages and feel free to share my website address with anyone you wish believejay.blogspot.com

More information on elementary school fundraising ideas is available at the BelieveKids.com website and of course, other quality companies can be found on sources online.

1 comment:

Custom wristbands said...

I think you're right. My kids' fundraisers are either incredibly stressful and take a lot of time, or don't seem all that popular or profitable. Thanks for sharing this information with us!