Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Monday, April 5, 2010

Principal Helps School Fundraiser Hit Goal - Faculty Support Important in Fundraising Success!

It's refreshing to see. When a principal gets behind a fundraiser, everyone wins! Take for instance, this Minnesota school principal that took the plunge when the school reached their spring fundraising goal. This polar bear club dive unified the students, parents and faculty to pull together to accomplish a goal.

Unfortunately, without the support of faculty, fundraising efforts can go from wild successes to dismal failures. Over time, lack-luster fundraising efforts can create an environment where parents become accustomed to not participating because they realize that proper encouragement by faculty does not exist.

As a national fundraising company, we love to see this kind of support for the efforts of the school. We also get to see the results when the faculty doesn't get behind them. It's clear from our behind-the-scenes perspective that their involvement creates fundraising success.

Thought for the day: Any effort with a unified front, produces better results. This is the case for so many things. A strong group promoting an activity or event will have a much better success rate over a group that is divided and uninterested.

If you want your fundraiser to succeed, get behind it!

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