Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Friday, April 30, 2010

4 Frozen Cookie Dough Fundrasing Myths

On the Internet are a lot of juicy articles about fundraising.

These always strike me funny when I run across some of the things people say about frozen cookie dough fundraising sales through schools that just aren't true:

1) "Nobody wants to buy cookie dough"

False - it's the number one selling fundraising product today - period.

2) "Cookie Dough is too expensive"

Again, False. Think about what that product is accomplishing! What other examples of products or services are willing to give 40% or so off the top? Chances are, those products would look like complete rip off's where the cookie dough just seems to be perhaps just a bit overpriced if that. After all, it's hand-delivered frozen and it is not available in stores.

What's too expensive is cigarettes and liquor and health insurance and gas and around the 4th of July but I digress. I know some people are strapped for cash but I just don't buy the widespread belief that people flat-out can't afford it.

3) "I'd rather just donate to the school"

False. Although folks are quick to point out how they would 'rather' do something else, the vast majority never get around to writing a check - ouch.

4) "I don't need to buy, plenty of others will."

False. If you don't buy, you are part of the problem and the school will have less revenue and maybe even earn a lower profit margin or have to cover additional fees.

Nobody is making up for your lost sale.

Lower participation in fundraisers is commonplace today causing more and more fundraisers in schools. What will happen is an schools will do with less or they will add another fundraiser - either way, that's not good.

If you participate and so do other parents, you'd likely only have one big fundraiser a year!

Hopefully this dispells some fundraising myths regarding frozen cookie dough fundraisers at schools! As always, if you like or don't like the info provided, please leave a comment or visit me on twitter - twitter.com/BelieveKids

Thanks for looking!


Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising www.BelieveKids.com and blogs here at either www.believejay.blogspot.com or www.fundraising-advice.com

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