If you have emails bouncing back to you undeliverable, it's most likely a bad email address. But, if you've ever had an email with an attachment just disappear and the recipient doesn't get it, you may just need YouSendIt.com
There are limits on sending and receiving mail at most schools and when checking mail in your office or classroom, you may not be sending or receiving the file sizes that folks work on today.
If you use video in your classroom, large powerpoint or slideshows, it's really not very likely you can email it to someone. It may leave your computer alright but the recipient may not be able to get it. I have a 10mb limit on my work email and that's equivalent to perhaps a 4 minute compressed YouTube video. If I were editing raw footage, that's another story altogether.
Point is, there are a lot of files these days that exceed what your email system will send but there's a way around it:
You Send It!
This service allows you to send large files via email. It's very easy to use and there are a number of subscription offers to choose from. You can send mp3 files or video files or any large artwork pieces without sending a disk in the mail!
The lite version is FREE! check it out here
This service works like a charm with even the largest files and I highly recommend it! Even if you don't use it all the time, it's good to have in your arsenal of killer technology to bust out when needed. You can receive big emails at school or even send big files anywhere you want easily.
I doubt this URL would be listed on your firewall at school either.
Again, that's a thumbs up review for YouSendIt.com
If you are considering getting this to share your home files with work you may want to look at SugarSync.com which is an easier way to share your home and work files.
Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising - a nationwide traditional fundraising company for elementary and middle schools. If you have comments or suggestions, please leave them below. I can be found at twitter - twitter.com/BelieveKids Thanks for looking!
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