Have you ever given up when faced with a daunting task? It's not always easy to remain upbeat and positive and achieve super-stardom. Just when you thought something difficult was too much to handle, along comes Heily to prove us all wrong.
Heily is a super-star from a small(ish) town in southern Utah and she just sold the most cookie dough EVER!
Well, we're not statistically sure if EVER is the best way to put it, but she sold the most frozen cookie dough Believe Kids Fundraising has seen in several years - over $2,000 in fact!
Thank you Heily!
We would like to extend our thanks to Heily for a job well done! So well done that she shattered our previous top-seller records! We know that getting this amount of cookie dough home does not happen on a bus, so to whomever may have helped her achieve that stellar amount of selling, we thank you as well :)
So, just when you think something is hard, think about Heily. She would tell us that it was hard work but we can see that it was more than that. She didn't let anything stand in her way. Yeah, she could have given up but she didn't and acheived greatness as a result.
Again, thank you Heily!
Jay Moneta is the Vice President of Believe Kids Fundraising www.BelieveKids.com which is a nationwide elementary school fundraising company. If you enjoyed this or any of my posts, please make comments, share the URL http://believejay.blogspot.com/ or look me up on twitter twitter.com/BelieveKids
I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. Thanks for looking and congratulations Heily!!!
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