Elementary School Carnival Ideas

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

School Budget Crisis - Budgeting Shortfalls, Layoffs & School Closures

As Believe gets ready to release our fundraising catalog for 2009, we are excited about the prospects of a great year. There are so many things to be happy about - a great catalog, amazing incentives and awesome schools to work with. It's just that the recent turn in the economy has us thinking.

I am responsible for a number of things here and as such, I check out some news stories about schools and fundraising. Let me tell you what I have been running into... School closures, budget problems, district restructuring, layoffs - a bunch of scary and serious stuff! The last thing parents need is to worry about their school closing or having budget shortfalls cause noticable problems - especially when the rest of the economy has it's own issues. Layoffs are another issue altogether.

Even though we have been instrumental in helping so many schools, programs and groups over the years, we are relative newbies when it comes to school budgeting and the concerns schools address on a top-level business end. Regardless of the economy, negative factors are sure to occur - some schools open, others close. It seems to be the natural that things would not remain exactly the same over time.

So why now? Why is it that it is more visible and on everyone's radar. I think it's linked to politics to a certain point. Politicians often focus on issues like education bringing a news spotlight to the situations. But in the larger scope, has the economy has taken a toll on the already tight educational system?

Is there actually a TON more recent problems - it certainly appears so!

Here are some recent news stories that reference exactly the items above. They do seem to be issues created by the recent economic downturn as well. There is something afoot that I am not certain everyone is aware of.

Pine Bush faces teacher layoffs, program cuts

Parents Plan Protest Over School Budget Cuts

No Good Options For Schools Caught In Budget Shortfall

4-day school week: Could it add to working Mom blues?

Proposed Stafford school budget $5.5 million less than current year

Abington schools consider cutting teachers, closing school to trim budget

In Cranston, sparing school budget expected to get leaner
Schools facing 'tightest budget'

Fayette schools to cut jobs, salaries

Martinez school district sending out 40 layoff notices

Scotts Valley school trustees approve cutting 21 positions

I am not a newscaster, writer and am certainly not an experienced blogger. It certainly seems like this is a problem that is widespread right now. I point this out in the hopes we can get the word out in case there is a nationwide theme that needs to be addressed. You all know better than me I am sure and I would love your feedback. As usual, if you enjoy this post, please subscribe to my posts, leave comments or contact me.

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